All Americian Will Kits<sup>®</sup>

Do-It-Yourself Legal Will Kits


What do you need to know? Most people think one HAS to go to a Lawyer to create a Will. That is NOT true! A lot of Americans have done their Wills on their own. Whatever is valuable to you is worth putting in your Will. Here is an easy Complete Legal Will Kit to set up with great instructions/worksheets to help you step-by-step thru it all. Once you finish, you will have a Legally-Binding Will.

Create Your Will SOON!

Check Out Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is probate?
How do I avoid probate?
What about minor children?
What to do after the death of a loved one?

View all Frequently Asked Questions.

Do It Yourself Will Kits written in Spanish are also available.

  • Prepared by an attorney
  • Written in plain English or Spanish
  • Avoid expensive attorney fees
  • A Will Kit for the entire family
  • Decide how your estate will be distributed
  • Provides for guardianship of children
  • Avoid a lengthy probate process
  • Avoid greater Legal challenges
One Set Do It Yourself Legal Will Kit

English: Do It Yourself Will Kit

Come with One Set – No Printing – No Downloading – No CD is Required - Paper


Two Sets Do It Yourself Legal Will Kit

English: Two Sets Do It Yourself Will Kit

Come with Two Sets – No Printing – No Downloading – No CD is Required - Paper



Easy To Understand

General Instructions

Practice Worksheet

Actual Will Forms

Addendum Forms

The new family pack includes two sets of legal Will forms and Addendum Forms. Only $49.95

Valid In All 50 States

All major credit cards are accepted

Only $29.95 delivered to your door.

Order on,, and under “All American Will Kits.”

Click here for more information and purchase.

Note* A Will Kit is for a single individual. Multiple Will Kits can be purchased during checkout.

Listen to The Cool Grandpa podcast with Paul Smith of All American Will Kits.

I like to thank Susan Brender Show and the team for the interview with Paul Smith – All American Will Kits on July 13th, 2022. And a big thanks to Rick Bava – Today’s Senior Magazine for making this happen.

This interview was about All American Will Kits, things that people need to know about making a Will. Listen to the interview.

Listen to the 2nd Susan Brender Show on September 26, 2022 with Paul Smith of All American Will Kits.

Protect your family and your loved ones with a will so they can always be protected if anything happens to you.

Did you know that 3 out of 4 Americans die without a will? Whatever your status-married, single, divorced, or widowed you should have a Will.

If you die without a Will, your state will write one for you. Even with a Will all of your property must go through a legal procedure called “probate”. This process allows the court to prove the validity of your Will. It also allows creditors to file any claims before the estate is distributed to the heirs.

Without a Legal Will, your family may be headed for potential problems in probate court. It is a fact that when those who die "intestate" (without a Will) will court decides, not them, who inherits their estate and who becomes the guardian of their minor children.

Our legal Wills were prepared by an attorney and are valid in all 50 states. Our goal is to make the process simple to understand and affordable. Our Will kits can save families thousands of dollars in estate taxes, court costs, and attorney fees. Most of us work all our lives for what we have. By simply writing a Will you can protect your assets, and pass them on to your loved ones.

Who can make a Will?

Military veterans, emergency responders, police officers, and generally, anyone eighteen or older can make a Will. To make a "valid" or good Will, you must be of "sound mind" this means you must understand such things as what property you own, how much it's worth, and who you are leaving it. You don't have to be a United States Citizen to make a Will.

Homeowners Face Struggle Without Deeds To Family Property

Credit: NBC Nightly News broadcast September 2, 2021

A True Life Story

Here is what happened to one young family: Karen and Bill just bought their dream house. One year later Bill died suddenly of a heart attack at age 41, leaving his wife, Karen two small children, and no Will. The estate amounted to almost $200,00, including a home, life insurance, and some savings.

this might have been enough for Karen if she had received all estate, but without the benefits of a Will, she didn't. To manage the children's half, she had to post a $100,000 bond. Karen had to pay filing, court, and lawyer's fees. Money and time could have been saving, if Bill had left a Will containing the simple sentence, "I leave my entire estate to my wife, Karen, and I make her my executrix, to serve without bond.

Bill's case is far from unique. Many Americans die without a Will. Most don't realize that if you die without a Will, the state has already decided exactly how your property will be distributed and who takes custody of your children.

Purchase your Complete Will kit today.

A man writing a legal form with an american flag overlaying

Customer Testimonials

Here are a few testimonials from our many satisfied customers

I just ordered my first Do-It-Yourself Legal Will Kit, I received it, and it was easy, simple to fill out. Thank you, All American Will Kits.

Tammy Henri, Texas

Like a lot of other people busy in life don’t have time to make a Will, I had seen the All-American Will Kits website and thought that might be a great way to pick one up. When I received it looks very professional and easy to fill out, a great worksheet to help you a lot. Thank You again.

George Thomas, Florida

I just pick up my second Legal Will Kit for my friend of mine. She was excited about it when she received it. She said it was easy to understand and fill it out. She said I should have done this years ago. Thank you, All American Will Kits.

Ann Johnson, Idaho

Seller includes a personal handwritten thank you with this artwork, so very kind of her! Hoping to buy other items from this seller, I highly recommend them!


I was looking for a sheet designated solely for beneficiary. It does have an area that gives your executor permission to declare who will be receiving what including the estate.


I’d like to say Thank You to everyone who has ordered this Do-It-yourself Legal Will Kit Thank you again.

All American Will Kits